Offering personal alerting systems for..
Deaf Users
To alert users to everyday sounds
and events around the home
The system includes a discreet, fully portable Pager unit worn by the user or a SignWave Portable Sounder Flasher. Transmitter units send radio signals to alert the user of a number of events around the home.
Silent alert paging systems for deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing people. The key to independent living. The system includes a deaf accessible doorbell, deaf accessible smoke alarm, telephone monitor, carbon monoxide detector, baby alarm and many more.
Care Call stand alone telecare for carers. Preventative monitoring for home care. Monitor a loved one in the familiar surroundings of home. Fall alarm, bed leaving alarm, chair leaving alarm, movement monitor, PIR sensor, smoke alarm, carbon monoxide alarm and more. Subscription free care pager system.
Fire Safe deaf fire alarm interface. Providing Fire alarm cover for Deaf people in public buildings.
For Sales Enquiries
Need help deciding which products best suit
your requirements?
Contact our sales team who will be happy to assist you.
Email: sales@silent-alert.co.uk
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